Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Winter Scallops

Um...LOOK AT THOSE SCALLOPS!!!  And I know what you're thinking.  You're thinking: Clearly the bits of double-smoked extra-thick cut bacon topping those scallops were originally attached to a larger piece of bacon.  What happened to the rest of that piece of bacon?

Well, see...what had happened was... I was just about to sautee that kale that the scallops are sitting on, and I looked over and realized that the double-smoked extra-thick cut bacon had made it's way out of the refridgerator and was sitting there on the counter.  Staring at me!  I mean, I couldn't just leave it there.  It would have been relegated to the back of the freezer until who knows when!  That's just wrong.  So instead, the bacon came along for the ride.  It was slowly sauteed until some (read: all) of the fat melted off the meat and landed safely at the bottom of my sautee pan.  I married that bacon fat with a lot of thinly chopped kale.  Talk about soulmates....

It was EXACTLY what I wanted that day.  It was warm, little smokey from the bacon, a little crispy from the seared crust on the scallops.  And it went perfectly with the Pinot Noir we were drinking that afternoon.  I love having EXACTLY what I want.

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