Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Winter Salad

I ran out of my apartment early Saturday morning to go meet a friend who was leaving for LA for a while.  She had my stuff, I had hers, and I wanted my stuff!  The weather has been so erratic in New York, and I didn't think twice when I grabbed a litght jacket and ran out the door.  

When I actually stepped outside, it felt more like December than October.  But as usual, I was in a rush, so I thought a light jog might warm me up, and as an added side-effect, do a little something about that pappardelle I'd eaten the night before.  I finally got to her apartment all toasty and warm.  But when I left her apartment 45 minutes later, I was just as suprised as every other New Yorker to find that it was snowing! 

And not some nicey-nice first snow of the season type snow.  We're talking get your umbrellas cause it's wet, nasty, and coming down hard type snow.  We're talking head to Fairway, get some supplies, a bottle of wine, and hunker down type snow.  And that's exactly what I did.  Unfortunately, somewhere between Fairway and door of my taxi home, I stumbled into Citarella and found fresh ricotta.  Whoopsie.

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