Tuesday, October 18, 2011

JV - Part Trois: Le Finale.

Oh Napoleon.  You tyranical dictator you.  Of COURSE they named a complex after you. 

And I'm not saying that they also named a dessert after you.  But maybe if you had a little more puff pastry and salted caramel cream in your life, you wouldn't have been such an a-hole.

This was my final course that fateful night at Jules Vernes.  At least I thought it was.  I completely forgot that in traditional French fashion, dessert comes with a side of, what?  Dessert.  Enter, the cookie bites.

And the homemade marshmallows.

Yes, I know they look like pats of butter.  But I promise, they're marshmallows.  I might be an occasional glutton, but I'm not trying to have an aortic aneurysm. 

Oh Jules...I can call you Jules, now right?  I mean, I'd hope we're on a first name basis now.  Especially since I have to tell you something kind of personal.  It's just that...  Well...  In case I don't see you again for a little while, I just wanted you to know....I'm in love with you.

A bientot!

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